We exist to make much of God
by making disciples of Jesus Christ
among all peoples.

We exist to make much of God...
The purpose of every person and every thing on the planet is to glorify God. All of creation was meant to display something of the greatness, majesty, and character of God. We were designed to show God as all satisfying, as our treasure. In other words, our purpose in life is ultimately to make much of God.
...by making disciples of Jesus Christ...
While the purpose of all things is clear, the problem is that sin has distorted the ability of creation to rightly display the glory of God. It is also the reason for all the brokenness we see in our lives. The good news of the gospel, however, is that in Christ, God is making all things new. As people's lives are transformed by the gospel, they come to know, love, and follow Jesus, once again displaying the glory of God. Therefore, the mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus

...among all peoples.
God is worthy of the worship of all people. From the beginning, His plan has been to rescue for Himself a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Therefore, the scope of our mission is extensive. We believe that God has placed us in Dallas, Georgia to be a light in this community, but also seek to join God in seeing His fame spread among the nations.